Hello! how was your December 25th? Mine was pretty low key because we did presents on Christmas Eve. Ben and I ate lunch out on the patio and just relaxed the day away

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How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A
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Get this month’s workout calendar for Runners now on RunEatRepeat.com

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Face Mask tips for Running and walking Outside


Is it sad I hid my favorite See’s candy to enjoy after lunch? Pleasesaynopleasesayno.

Ben wanted a bite, but not even a big man with a bat could part me from my favorite candy.

Bromear. We had the bat because Ben is trying to make a pinata for his nephew’s birthday tomorrow.

Since I’m the token Mexican I was asked to try it out to see if it was legit.

My attempt to break it was pathetic, but that’s because:

– Ben turned me around a bunch before the camera was rolling

– I knew he filled the box with rocks and balls – NOT candy. and I thought it was going to fall on me.

Christmas dinner was pretty amazing because it included a big sweet potato…

And, I was in charge of cutting and passing out the cake.

I cut everyone a piece…

and saved the rest for myself. Isn’t there a rule that the cake cutter gets to pick the biggest piece? Well, that’s the rule I go by.

After dinner we went to Jon’s (Ben’s brother) place to hang out. They had a bon fire and played beer pong because it’s Christmas. Actually, this is just what they do every night.

I suggested we play wine pong because Jesus was a bigger fan of wine than beer, but was vetoed. I don’t know what’s going on here, but the night got a lot rowdier than I expected. Vamos a dejar las cosas así

Actually, I was going to skip this entire portion of the evening to continue the façade that I’m a classy lady, but Jon made the biggest deal about me taking a picture of my girly Mojito to put on the blog. Asi que aqui esta:

This morning I was woken up by Ben who was a little confused about the day/time/location and I decided to GTFO and run. I ran to the beach and Ben offered to meet me there for a post-run walk. El agua está fría.

I ran 4.5 miles fast (for me) – 2 of them were 7:58ish! thank you flat Florida!!! But, I was sweating like it was July in California

We stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way home That almost makes up for the super humid, sweaty run. Casi.

Okay, I think plans for the day include grocery shopping with Ben’s mom – we both love it a little too much and a movie.

¡Tener una buena!

Envíame el libro de trabajo


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